Sunday, September 21, 2008


"I think [Palin] is the worst thing to happen to America since 9-11. Someone who has no thoughts about women's rights and who wants to send women back to the Stone Age? You might as well not let women vote. I came out of the Democratic convention feeling so proud and excited, but now I fear that our country is so backwards in so many ways and the ignorance that exists is greater than we can even imagine.

The reach of homophobia and hatred is so wide, it's disturbing how deep it is. Now with Sarah Palin, who is so anti-gay and advocated camps for them to go to be brainwashed, she is a real sign of something very wrong with this country, a real problem. We are battling homophobia on so many fronts."

-- Margaret Cho on Sarah Palin, in a Washington Blade interview.

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