Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Why is everyone beating up on Hillary? Can't we complete the race?

Or is it just me? But I don't see why Hillary should quit when it's so close.. lets finish. I'd like to vote yet too ya know. I tried to find an article on this view but couldn't find one. So here is something else. If anyone see one, please comment with it.

Dems Fret Over Prolonged Bitter Fight

"Despite Obama's impressive victories in February, Clinton's comeback is based on sowing political seeds of doubt," said Donna Brazile, a Democratic strategist and one of nearly 800 party leaders known as superdelegates for their ability to determine the nomination. "In order to clinch the nomination, he must anticipate the worst attacks ever." (READ)

1 comment:

nightowl528 said...

As long as the Dems nomination is not a done deal, it's absurd for Hillary to quit. And personally, I resent the hell out of the fact that any nomination can take place before I've had my chance to vote in a primary!
The U.S. should hold nation-wide primaries on the SAME day!!