Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Obama Makes Gay Push, Hillary Pushes Back

In terms of the Clinton call, Herrin added, “What really surprised us was her passion – that she understood the immediate need for our community.”

Within the first 100 days of her presidency, Herrin said, Clinton promised to extend benefits to all same-sex couples who work for the federal government with an executive order, end “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and use the bully pulpit to advocate for a fully inclusive ENDA and a fully inclusive hate-crimes bill. (Herrin and her executive board were not clear how Sen. Clinton would end “don’t ask, don’t tell” – if by executive order or some other means.)

Clinton also discussed how adamant she is about allowing everyone in America to adopt children if they are a qualified couple. “It was like she was indignant,” Herrin said of Clinton’s manner while talking about same-sex couples’ adoption rights. “Her voice just really changed, and that was the part that surprised us – her passion.” (READ)

1 comment:

nightowl528 said...

I lost patience waiting for the Advocate site to open so I don't know what Obama had to say but I'm certainly not surprised that Hillary is adamant about equal rights for ALL of us.