Wednesday, March 5, 2008

In case you missed it...

Hillary laughs it up on "SNL"

I want several things from our next president. A coherent foreign policy. An economic plan that helps the poor and middle class instead of corporations and the rich. An extension of full equal rights to all LGBT Americans. And last, but not least, an ability to laugh at her/himself. However you feel about Sen. Hillary Clinton, she proved she could deliver the latter this past weekend, with a surprise stop by Saturday Night Live. (READ)

It's never easy being a trailblazer. For whatever missteps or miscalculations her campaign may have made along the way, you have to applaud how historic Hillary's candidacy has been. In a race with so many firsts, it's easy to overlook what a truly transformational notion a female president still is in America. And if her candidacy does nothing else, perhaps it has exposed how opposed some still are to the very thought of a woman in charge. If I hear/read/see one more discussion about her voice/laugh/dress/hair/femininity/lack of femininity, I think I'll scream. In the face of all the mainstream sexism and old-school misogyny that still exists, it's easy to get discouraged. And, even here, maybe Hillary has shown us the way. Just laugh.

1 comment:

nightowl528 said...

Love the sketch, love Hillary! Gotta (finally) put her sticker on my car.