Thursday, November 22, 2007

Green Thanksgiving: Get Smart, Don't Be a Turkey

In 1621 the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag Indians stuffed their faces in an autumn harvest feast, the first Thanksgiving. Although historians aren't certain of the menu, it's safe to say the pilgrims weren't gobbling up pesticide-smothered potatoes and antibiotic-infused turkey.

Fast forward nearly four centuries, and this Thursday the majority of American's will sit down to a copious table of factory-produced food. With few exceptions, 50 million turkeys will come from animal factories, while the vast majority of our fruits, vegetables, even vino will travel hundreds of miles from farm factories with little regulation or regard for environmental best practices. While raising turkeys in a factory setting, or growing corn in a pesticide patch might make our food cheaper and available to a large number of consumers, factory farming comes with seriously negative consequences for Mother Earth. (MORE)

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