Friday, November 23, 2007

Five Reasons Kucinich Should be Taken Seriously

1.) Dennis Kucinich was right on Iraq. The Congressman stood up to ideological war hawks, refusing to submit to the constitutional calamity of a preemptive invasion.

2.) He was right on the Patriot Act. Kucinich lambasted the serpentine piece of legislation acting as a gateway to eroding our cherished civil liberties.

3.) The Congressman is right on health care. Unlike slipshod “universal coverage” plans proposed by Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama (all of which attempt to incurably fix a broken, private system by virtually mandating that every American buy into it) Kucinich knows first hand that the only morally and economically satisfying version of health care is the one beginning with the words: not-for-profit.

4.) Strength through Peace: The hallmark of the Congressman’s presidential campaign would end using war as an instrument of policy. Haters call him a peacenik devoid of reality. I submit that the intellectually curious might see a president who would embody unparalleled leadership in nuclear non-proliferation and in tackling global warming (mother nature’s WMD) to bridge frayed international alliances, combat climate change and, in effect, revive the plummeting dollar.

5.) Kucinich is right on impeachment. Dennis, as it currently stands – along with 22 courageous signatories – has been the only Congressman brave enough to officially propose articles of impeachment against the dangerously dark Vice President Richard B. Cheney. And on this, he hits the bull’s eye too.



Anonymous said...

If you are interested in other reasons why Kucinich should be taken seriously: There's an effort underway to remove Pelosi as Speaker, and make way for the impeachment investigation Kucinich is calling for: ( Details )

Please encourage your friends to support the effort to remove Pelosi as Speaker.

Anonymous said...

i've always heard brilliance comes with a touch of insanity. just wish kucinich really had a chance.

Anonymous said...


Do you have a view on removing all the roadblocks to an impeachment investigation?