Saturday, February 7, 2009

Things I've learned from the recent ICE storm.

We had a hurricane of an ice storm recently. Trees down, Power Out, Big Mess. Here are some things I've learned from the experience.

1.  Ice can break trees like I never imagined. 
2. Kitty litter on ice instead of salt seems like a good idea at the time, but turns into a muddy mess later.
3. Having a slumber party of friends when they are all adults and out of power isn't as fun as it sounds.
4. Wood burning fireplaces are gold.
5. Underground power lines and internet lines saved by business, big time.
6. Dogs love snow. Ice, not so much.
7. Muddy paws and wood floors do not mix.
8. Kentucky takes weeks to restore power, don't live there.
9. You can't land a plane if it's too windy.
10. Sometimes, a neighbor who will give you a push is all that is needed.

1 comment:

nightowl528 said...

11. Freezing stray cats must be brought inside

12. It can rain icicles

13. Good neighbors (especially those with chain saws) are invaluable

(and a big-time amen to your #8!)