Thursday, December 4, 2008

Personal Stuff

I keep thinking I should have blogged about my whole wedding experience. My wife and I got married in California (when it was legal). But here's the thing... there wasn't anything weird about it, nothing bigoted, no situation where I felt discriminated against or treated weird cuz we were two women. So what was there to blog about. It went smooth and great and was the experience everyone enjoys. (minus my family but who has time to blog about all THAT)

And now we are starting a family, seeing the fertility doctor, going thru the process there.. AT LAST.. some bloggable material. Um.. no.. not really. Nothing strange.. doctors are nice, nurse let's me hold my wife's hand and look thru the microscope. It's all very NON-"they hate me cuz I'm gay". Hmmm. (minus my family but who has time to blog about all THAT).

So I guess I WON'T blog about it. Who would have thought? Even in the middle of the country... in the conservative bible belt.. change is coming. Change is coming.

1 comment:

nightowl528 said...

excellent blog! (they don't always have to be a rant, you know)