Monday, August 27, 2007

angry mother defends gay son

Aug 23rd 2007
The following letter has been circulating in a few LGBTQ listservs and we thought it appropriate to share with our blog readers. It’s written by the mother of a gay child in Vermont, in response to a letter to the editor.

Many letters have been sent to the Valley News concerning the homosexual menace in Vermont. I am the mother of a gay son and I’ve taken enough from you good people. I’m tired of your foolish rhetoric about the “homosexual agenda” and your allegations that accepting homosexuality is the same thing as advocating sex with children. You are cruel and ignorant. You have been robbing me of the joys of motherhood ever since my children were tiny. (read more)

1 comment:

nightowl528 said...

what an awesome letter!!

unfortunately, i just spent an hour reading all of he comments.

interesting & frightening stuff.