Thursday, August 23, 2007

Say it ain't so!

I saw this on Bilerico this morning.
Solid Gold Rumors About Karl & His 'Family'

It's (almost) official: Karl Rove is gay. If you believe Jeff Gannon's former employer, Talon News, that is.

DC gossip Wonkette is reporting (and Talon is sort of confirming) that Gannon is planning a 'tell-all' book about Rove which will say that Bush's brain - who orchestrated some of the most anti-gay political strategies in history - liked White House sleepovers . . . with Gannon. Karl, it seems, was a customer of Gannon's, and enjoyed the occassional rendez-vous with the former hooker, "including several overnight stays in the White House Buchanan bedroom." more
Man, I am sick of self-hating gays going after the rest of us. What the hell is that about?

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