Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Biden: This is sweet.

Biden: Second wife 'restored my life' after tragedy

(CNN) — An emotional Joe Biden told CNN’s Amy Boudreau his wife Jill “restored my life” after the death of his wife and infant daughter in an accident.

“I asked her once not long before our wedding how she could marry me knowing how much –” the Delaware senator said said, and paused for several seconds.

“…Knowing how much I adored Amelia. And she didn’t hesitate. She said, quote, That’s the reason I can marry you, she told me. Anybody who loved that deeply once can do it again.

“That’s when I realized exactly how much Jill’s love had done for me – it had given me permission to be me again.”

Biden paused again to collect himself. “God, I’m sorry,” he said. “But she did, I mean she restored my life. I know that sounds corny but she really did.”

Watch Abby Boudreau’s full interview with the Democratic vice presidential nominee this weekend on CNN

1 comment:

nightowl528 said...

touchingly honest. i like joe!