Monday, February 4, 2008

I want to be your President

Hillary Clinton,
February 4, 2008 7:45 PM

[EDITOR'S NOTE:] Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton issued this guest post to talk about her support for LGBT civil rights.

As I have traveled around the country these past twelve months, what I sensed in my heart has been confirmed – America is embracing its LGBT sons and daughters with an acceptance and understanding as never before. On the campaign trail, a father of a gay son will ask about ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. A woman will ask why she can be discriminated against just because of who she is. Sometimes they wait furtively for the crowd to thin and then whisper their confidences in a soft voice and sometimes they stand up proudly at town meetings and want me to share my views on how I will help lead the change to assure that this country fulfills its promise to everyone. (READ)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want Hillary to be my president too. I was previously an Edwards supporter, in large part because I believed he was the Dems best chance for an easy victory. Unfortunately, that didn't pan out. Edwards never captured the same "common man" aura as in his last attempt.
And while I admire Obama's impassioned speeches, I do not believe the rhetoric. He doesn't have the experience to step in & make the change he so trumpets.
It's time people stop bashing Hillary for Bill's past/current gaffes & look at her as the very viable candidate she is.